Incoming Erasmus+ students

Είστε εδώ

Please read carefully the latest guidelines regarding the situation and safety measures against the spread of Covid-19:

  • The Student Restaurant is open and operates regularly serving three meals per day.
  • The Canteens (one canteen per building/Department) are also open serving coffees and snacks takeaway or delivery.
  • Students are encouraged to use online services and email for their communication and requests.
  • Free covid-19 test are available once a week on campus.


Erasmus+ Charter for Higher Education 2022-2027

Erasmus+ Policy Statement


Universities are requested to nominate their students via e-mail at (only by the IRO offices of partner universities).
Incoming Erasmus+ students are welcome at the University of Ioannina, under the framework of Erasmus+ signed inter-institutional agreements.
Incoming Erasmus+ students are advised to contact the International Relations Office (E., T. +30-26810-50526) for extended information regarding their study period, stay and accommodation at the University of Ioannina.
The IRO office for incoming students is located at the University campus in Arta, and incoming students are advised to use e-mail communication with the Head Officer.

NOMINATION DEADLINES (by Home Universities, via the Online Nomination Tool)

15th June, for the Autumn Semester or Full year

30th November, for the Spring Semester


Partner Universities (Erasmus or IRO offices) formally nominate their selected students, via the Online link (above).
UoI shall acknowledge receipt of the nomination, through e-mail. Only the acknowledgement of this official nomination constitutes acceptance of the nominated student.
The students will only be accepted if the required condition (English min. B1 level) is met.


Within one month of the nomination by the home University and the acceptance by the host Department, nominated students should e-mail the IRO Office (

1. An English language Certificate

2. The Learning Agreement

3. A Transcript of Records from the home University

4. The attached Student Form (which should be completed electronically, not handwritten)

5. A copy of the student's passport or ID

6. A passport size photo and

7. A copy of the student's European Health Insurance Card (in English) or private health insurance



The student may cancel or withdraw his/her application, at any time. Should this be the case, an official notice by e-mail is kindly requested (


Formally nominated (by the home University) students, for a study/learning mobility period, may fill in the attached application (see at the end of this page for the doc form) for a room in Student Residence Hall, or contact the Administration - Accommodation and Promotion Office, of DIKEPPEE “Stavros Niarchos

Deadlines to apply:

1st semester: 15th June

2nd semester: 30th November

The Accommodation Office will make every effort to accommodate Erasmus Students in the Student Residence Hall. All the rooms have a private bathroom, are fully equipped and with the essential furnishings, bedding (as mentioned below), electrical and plumbing installations, telephone for free on-campus communication and free internet access).





1 single bed with mattress and pillow per resident

2 bed sheets per resident

1 desk per resident

1 pillowcase per resident

1 desk chair per resident

1 blanket per resident

1 bed-side table per resident

1 large towel per resident

1 telephone device per room

1 small towel per resident



The rooms are cleaned once a week by the cleaning staff and the linen is changed once a week. 

There is also a laundry room for free use by guests, and kitchen for common use.

Due to capacity constraints, applications are accepted and processed on a first-come first-served basis (according to the official nomination date by the home institution), until a maximum number of approx. 30 rooms per academic year is reached.

It is important for students to understand that being admitted to the University of Ioannina does not automatically mean they are entitled to a dorm room.

All rooms for Erasmus students are usually available from 1st October until the 8th of February for the 1st semester (or the full academic year depending on the chosen mobility duration), and from 15th of February to the end of June for the 2nd semester.

In case of prolongation requests, these will have to be submitted to the accommodation office, no later than 1st November, but it is highly unlikely that a room at the Students Residence Hall will be offered for prolongation periods, since students nominated for the 2nd semester will have priority.

The cost of a single room is 120 euro/month.

The cost of a double room is 100 euro/month/person.

Please keep in mind that you must prepay the full amount for your accommodation, to be entitled to a room, after you receive all the necessary information from the Administration - Accommodation and Promotion Office, of DIKEPPEE “Stavros Niarchos.

For the students who are nominated for the whole academic year (2 semesters), the payment can be made in the following ways:

  1. Either they can prepay the full amount (for 9 months)
  2. Or they can prepay the first semester and before the end of the 1st semester they can pay for the second, in order to be eligible for a room.


Private temporary (furnished) accommodation in Ioannina is very scarce, yet assistance may be offered by our International Relations Office, however with no guarantees that prospective Erasmus students may find appropriate housing solutions outside the campus at a reasonable price.

Formally nominated (by the home University) students for an internship/placement/traineeship mobility period, may fill in an application for accommodation at the Guest House of DIKEPPEE “Stavros Niarchos” (with a different cost). Students may send an email ( to request more information.


Important Note: Incoming students for the Departments of the prior Technological Educational Institute of Epirus (located in Arta or Preveza)

- Agriculture

- Music Studies

- Informatics and Telecommunications

- Accounting and Finance

should contact their Departmental Coordinators to discuss housing options.


Teaching Activity

1st semester (including exam period): first week of October - first week of February

2nd semester (including examp period): second week of February - last week of June

Please be aware that the Departments may follow a slightly differentiated calendar.

Re-sit: September (not for Erasmus+ incoming students, unless otherwise agreed upon with the home University).

Academic Calendar

Organisation of the academic year in Europe_Eurydice (Higher Education in Greece, p. 33)


On 1st October 2018 the University of Ioannina Merged with the Educational Technological Institute of Epirus, under the Erasmus code G IOANNIN01.

The main campus of the University of Ioannina is the University campus of Ioannina, Campus A (Ηοw to get to Ioannina - Campus A map).

A second campus (Campus B') is located again in the city of Ioannina (for the Departments of Nursing, Speech and Language Therapy and Early Years Learning and Care).

A third campus is located in the city of Arta (for the Departments of Music Studies, Informatics and Telecommunications, and Agriculture).

A fourth campus is located in the city of Preveza (for the Department of Accounting and Finance).

Nominated students for the Departments are requested to contact their Departmental Coordinators located in Arta or the IRO officer in charge of incoming students at


A Greek language certificate (min. B1) is required only for Greek language and classic studies (at the Department of Philology).

This request is related to the fact that Erasmus students without any knowledge of Modern Greek can hardly attend any classes throughout their stay and benefit in full from their Erasmus period of study here. Nonetheless, the Department of Philology would also like to emphasize that nominations of students with no knowledge of Modern Greek will continue to be considered, even though with relatively lower priority.

For all other fields, an English language certificate (min. B2) is strongly recommended, particularly for those taking Master level courses (2nd study cycle). Students with a lower level of English (B1) may also be considered.


A scale of 1 to 10 applies to the grades of each component in the Hellenic Higher Education System. The grading scale is as follows:

Άριστα (Arista) - Excellent: 8.50 - 10.00
Λίαν Kαλώς (Lian Kalos) - Very Good: 6.50 - 8.49
Καλώς (Kalos) - Good: 5.00 - 6.49

Minimum passing grade: 5

DEPARTMENTS (Fields of Study)

Full list:

Nominations will be made for one of the Departments of UoI, according to the signed Inter-institutional agreement with the student's home University.
Students may only select courses from their home Department (according to the signed ii-agreement). Only in ad hoc cases, will students be allowed to select courses from other Departments.


Incoming Erasmus+ studnets can enjoy free meals (3 times per day) at the Student Restaurant, presenting their Student Card (passo).
Meals are served during the following hours:

Breakfast: 07.30 - 09.30
Lunch: 11.30 - 15.00
Dinner: 18.00 - 21.00

The Student Restaurant is closed during Christmas and Easter Holidays as well as from mid July till the end of August.


Students and Staff with disabilities: UoI welcomes students with disabilities. The necessary individual arrangements need to be discussed well in advance (10 months prior to arrival). Students may also contact the Social Support Unit (

All Erasmus studnets may follow courses in the Greek Language at the Center for the Study of the Hellenic Language and Culture (, free of charge. The cost of the educational material/textbooks is 50 euro/per student. Applications are submitted upon arrival.

ENS Ioannina: ESN Ioannina is a very active student body and provides help and assistance to all incoming students both prior and during their stay in Ioannina. Nominated students are advised to contact ESN Ioannina the soonest possible at and


Εντυπωσεις φοιτητων


Erasmus! Μία λέξη, αμέτρητες γνωριμίες, εμπειρίες, συναισθήματα!


Πέντε μήνες στο Μπρνο της Τσεχίας


Η δική μου εμπειρία Erasmus ξεκινά στις 30 Αυγούστου του 2014.


Ονομάζομαι Δημήτριος-Γεώργιος Ακεστορίδης και είμαι μεταπτυχιακός απόφοιτος του τμήματος Μηχανικών Η/Υ και Πληροφορικής του Πανεπιστημίου Ιωαννίνων. Το πρόγραμμα Erasmus+ μου έδωσε την ευκαιρία να πραγματοποιήσω πρακτική άσκηση στο Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο και ειδικότερα στο Πανεπιστήμιο του St Andrews. Από τον Ιούνιο έως και τον Αύγουστο του 2016 εργάστηκα ως Επισκέπτης Ερευνητής στο CRAWDAD, το μεγαλύτερο αρχείο δεδομένων ασύρματων δικτύων, που αριθμεί περισσότερους από 9000 χρήστες από 116 χώρες.

Δημήτριος-Γεώργιος Ακεστορίδης

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Σε βοήθησε το Erasmus+
στην εύρεση εργασίας;

Πείτε μας τις εντυπώσεις σας!


Όποτε επιθυμείτε να ρωτήσετε, να σχολιάσετε να παρατηρήσετε κάτι σε σχέση με την δράση μας αφήστε μας το μήνυμά σας

Αποστολή Μηνύματος

Στοιχεια Επικοινωνιας

  • Διεύθυνση Διεθνών & Δημοσίων Σχέσεων
    Πανεπιστημιούπολη Ιωαννίνων
    45110 ΙΩΑΝΝΙΝΑ
  • Τηλέφωνο: (+30) 26510 07105, 07106, 07107, 07443, 07264, 07520, 07519
  • FAX: (+30) 26510-07024
  • Email: